Monthly Meeting
2nd Thursday of each month at the Palliser Pavilion Swift Current – 7:00 pm
Horn Scoring
Thank you to all who attended Horn Scoring night. A total of 26 heads were scored.
Don’t forget to purchase your SWF memberships!
Burnett Recreational Site
37 acres in the City of Swift Current for the development of wheel chair accessible fish pond and recreational area and has been stocked with fish and 250 fruit trees have been planted. This will be an ongoing project.
4 Seasons Project
20,000 trees planted on 68 acres of land donated by Arnold & Ruby Zabel.
Tanaka Project
Quarter Section of land purchased through Habitat Trust for the habitat enhancement. In excess of 30,000 trees planted to date.
Bassaud Project
Half section of land purchased in 1993 through Habitat Trust for the preservation of wildlife habitat. Dedicated to Bernie Brown in 1994.
Conservation Camp
Annual sponsorship of two students.
We award 3 – $500 bursaries for 1 student to pursue studies in Conservation or Environment, 1 for Education and 1 for those entering a Trade.
Firearm Safety Education
Program offered for the education of sound shooting and hunting practices. (Operated by licensed volunteer instructors)
Pheasant Project and Annual Stocking
Constructed a new facility in the spring of 1999 at a cost of approximately $20,000 including the birds.
Raise and release approximately 1,500 birds annually.
Henry Kelsey Awards
Tyler Binner and Jeff Jansen are the local qualified measurers.
FINS (FISH in Schools) Program
Selected local schools receive all the equipment necessary to raise 100 rainbow trout eggs and release them into fishable waters.
Habitat Trust
Purchase and management of wildlife lands.
Wildlife Tomorrow
Includes all stewardship programs in conjunction with landowners, i.e. abandoned farmsteads, school yards, Acres for Wildlife, and Heritage farm sites.
T.I.P. Program
Turn in Poachers, 24 hour answering service (1-800-667-7561).
Test Plots
We have a joint venture with S.E.R.M., P.F.R.A. and Wheatland Conservation Area for test plots for habitat cover and saline testing.
Boat Launch
At Duncairn Dam – Completed during the summer of 1998. Floating dock will be installed in the spring of each year.
590 members locally and approximately 26,000 members Provincially annually.
Awards & Appreciation Banquet
Held Annually at the end of January.